Regional Learning and Replication

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Regional community of practice on climate resilient water management in the Caribbean (RCWARC)

The project aims to strengthen the capacity of other countries and entities to write similarly transformative project proposals to the Green Climate Fund for the water sector in the Caribbean through a community of practice.

To date, the community counts more than 22 National Designated Authorities from across the Caribbean as members and associate members have been invited to join in meetings depending on the topic discussed. The RcWARC hold regular meetings during which the core members discuss their proposal and gain feedback from other members and thematic meetings during which an expert is invited to speak on a relevant topic, such as rainwater harvesting regulations or management of Non-Revenue Water, and to which both members and associate members are invited to join.

Knowledge Management

The project has developed a systemic approach to collecting Lessons Learnt from the project on an ongoing basis, which enable the technical officers of the G-CREWS project and their partner organisations to record their observations as the project implementation progresses and enable the sharing of lessons learnt products in the form of fact sheets, case studies and a searchable database with professionals and organisations in Grenada and internationally, who are looking for develop a project proposal or implement a project with a focus on climate change, water or Grenada . The knowledge management products (KMP) will be available as the project progresses and shared on the government’s climate finance portal.

To facilitate a better dissemination of the KMP and other relevant information, another initiative under the project is to redesign the Grenada Climate Finance portal. This website will provide the Ministry of Climate Resilience and the Green Climate Fund’s National Designated Authority with a database of all documents, data and projects content that would be instrumental for project developer to access readily and that would facilitate the development of climate change related project proposals.