Climate Resilient Water Governance


Under this component the G-CREWS project is seeking to set the conditions to bring about transformational change to the water resources management to sustainably improve drinking water availability in Grenada.

The process starts with the adoption of a Water Resources Management and Regulation Act, which supports the creating of a Water Resources Management Unit. The creation of a semi-autonomous body to regulate Grenada’s water resources the water sector is critical and will align with Integrated Water Resource Management strategies. As part of the unit’s critical assets, the project will facilitate a data collection and management system for the unit to make informed critical decisions and forecasts.

The project is also instrumental in supporting the Government of Grenada to draft policies and regulations to encourage better water usage and conservation. This includes building regulations to make rainwater harvesting systems mandatory, regulations to encourage the importation of Water Efficient Devices, and the water-resilience of health centres, especially in time of crisis such as drought and natural disasters.

Finally, the project supports the development of climate resilient water tariffs – that is tariffs under which water remains affordable for the low using customers and more expensive for large water users. A first tariff review was conducted and implemented in 2019 and second one will take place in 2024.